Friday 28 November 2014

Goldman Sachs Interview Experience
1. Introduce yourself and what are the projects you have worked on and detail discussion about the most recent project.
2. Implement queue without using any data structure
3. Producer consumer problem
4. In one of the process you are making calls to three APIs. You don’t know how much time it will take to return the results from those APIs. Design the system efficiently.
5. Design a parking lot system
6. What is lazy loading? Advantages and disadvantages of the same
1. Detail discussion about the most recent project
2. Asked me about the favourite topic in C++. I told polymorphism and memory management. He asked me about when a process start execution what are the different memory segments allocated to it and how they are managed.
3. Implement smart pointer of your own.
4. Questions regarding virtual functions and its implementation and how its solves different design problems.
1. Introduce yourself and detail discussion about the current project
2. How will you implement your own garbage collector in C++?. Detail discussion regarding approaches and their trade offs.
3. Puzzle: there are two candles and each candle take 30 minutes to burn. How will you measure 45 minutes? You dont have any instruments with you.
4. Design an olympic game
1. Design a traffic light system
2. Discussion about the projects done
1. What are the different libraries you have used in c++
2. Longest increasing subsequence and its implementation with dynamic programming
3. Quicksort and heapsort and which one of them you will choose
4. Difference between c++ and C#.
5. Why do you want to join Goldman Sachs and what will you bring to Goldman Sachs?
1. Tell me about the work which you have done and about which you are most proud of
2. Detail discussion about the current project
3. Different types of collection in C# and difference between hashmap and hashtable and their internal implementation
4. Difference between buffered IO and unbuffered IO. Advantages and disadvantages
5. How ajax works? Difference between angular js and jquery

Thursday 27 November 2014

MakeMyTrip Interview Experience | 

Round 1 : Written :
Q1. Given a stream of around billion numbers in an array, which has approximately only 1000 unique numbers. Print the unique numbers. Complexity should be less than O(n).
Input: 1,1,1,1,….2,2,2,…3,4,4,4,4……1111,1111,………..
Output : 1,2,3,4,1111
Q2: Write a program to print the frequency of all words in a given paragraph.
Q3: Write a program to reverse the string word wise.
Eg: I/P : “I am a boy”
O/P: “boy a am I”
Q4: Write a program to explain producer consumer program using threads.
Q5: (Only theory) What data structures will you use to design a garbage collector.
Round 2: F2F
Q1: Given an array in which all numbers except two are repeated once. (i.e. we have 2n+2 numbers and n numbers are occurring twice and remaining two have occurred once). Find those two numbers in the most efficient way
Q 2 : Given a linked list with next and arbitrary pointers, clone it.
Q 3 : A lot of questions around Spring, Hibernate, REST, Dependency Injection, AOP etc.
Q4 : Reverse a linked list in groups of n.
Round 3: F2F
Q1: Vertical level order traversal of a tree.
Q2: Reverse the second half of the linked list in the most efficient way.
Q3: Find the merging point of two linked list.
Q4: Write a function to generate all possible n pairs of balanced parentheses.
For example, if n=1{}
for n=2
Q5 : Again a lot of drilling questions on Java, Spring, MVC, Singleton, Hibernate, REST.

Round 4 : F2F (Manager/Architect)

This round had questions more around various technology stacks,
Design Patterns ( Interceptor, Singleton, Publisher Subscriber, MVC etc etc )
UI Templates
In memory database
Log appenders
Round 5: F2F ( H.R. )
Generic questions like why do you want to join Makemytrip.
What are your career aspirations.
How do you think it aligns with MMT

Wednesday 26 November 2014

1) K largest elements from a big file or array.
2) Find a triplet a, b, c such that a2 = b2 + c2. Variations of this problem like find a triplet with sum equal to 0. Find a pair with given sum. All such questions are efficiently solved using hashing.
3) Binary tree traversal questions like left view, right view, top view, bottom view, maximum of a level, minimum of a level, children sum property, diameter etc.
4) Convert a BST into a DLL and DLL to BST in place.
5) Vertical traversal of a Binary Tree.
6) Lowest Common ancestor in a Bianry Search Tree and Binary Tree.
7) Implement a stack with push(), pop() and min() in O(1) time.
8) Reverse a linked list in groups of size k.
9) Given two numbers represented by two linked lists, write a function that returns sum list.
10) Rotate a matrix by 90 degree.
11) Some stack based questions like stock span problem, next greater element.
12) Some Dynamic Programming problems like maximum sum subarray, maximum sum subarray such that no elements are consecutive, edit distance, assembly line scheduling.
13) Why Amazon?
14) Questions about projects done in previous company or final year.
Also see Amazon Interview Experiences
Please write comments if any common question is missed.


Monday 24 November 2014

The GRE General Test is an entrance exam for admissions into graduate-level (Masters & PhD) programs in the United States and other countries. There are 3 sections of the GRE: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing.

GRE Exam Pattern, Registration, Tips, Score

Practice Tests

GRE Sentence Completion Practice850%5m 5s
GRE Sentence Completion1050%6m 40s
GRE Antonyms1040%3m 50s
GRE Antonyms Test 11050%4m 33s
GRE Antonym Questions1050%4m 16s
GRE Antonym Quiz1040%4m 36s
GRE Exam1060%2m 3s
GRE Antonyms Test1050%4m 42s
GRE Antonyms Practice Test1060%4m 21s
GRE Sentence Completion Sample Questions1060%7m 38s
GRE Analogy862%4m 37s
GRE Antonym Practice Quiz1050%5m 16s
GRE Arithmetic Practice1030%19m 29s
GRE Permutations and Combinations450%10m 9s
GRE Analogies Practice1050%6m 40s
GRE Antonym Practice Tests1060%4m 40s
GRE Quantitative1050%12m 26s
GRE Quantitative Practice1040%14m 10s
GRE Quantitative Practice Test1050%13m 22s
GRE Algebra Quiz1050%12m 42s
GRE Quadratic Equations Problems1030%14m 36s
GRE Reading Comprehension850%12m 14s
GRE Antonym Practice Tests1050%4m 11s
GRE Quadratic Equations1030%10m 59s
GRE Analogies Test1050%6m 15s
GRE Reading Comprehension Practice1050%10m 3s
GRE Analogies1050%8m 22s
GRE Antonyms Practice1060%4m 7s
GRE Analogy Practice1050%7m 9s
GRE Quantitative Questions1060%12m 37s
GRE Antonym Practice Test 21040%4m 27s
GRE SC Practice Test1060%7m 59s
GRE Arithmetic560%7m 10s
GRE time and distance problems560%11m 30s
Quadratic Equations Practice Exercise1030%10m 22s
GRE Algebra922%13m 8s
GRE Antonym Practice1050%4m 34s
GRE Quantitative Comparison1020%14m 33s
GRE Analogy Questions1060%6m 32s
GRE Sentence Completion Practice Test862%7m 43s
GRE Quantitative Comparison Test1060%8m 34s
GRE Quant Comp Quiz1060%9m 7s
GRE Data Interpretation Test560%12m 5s
GRE Data Interpretation Quiz580%8m 9s
GRE Online Tests - Full Length Test 25836%34m 38s
Online GRE Test Papers Full Length Test 45840%36m 26s
Online GRE Test Papers Full Length Test 65833%34m 39s
Online GRE Tests - Full Length Test # 55842%41m 36s
Online GRE Tests - Full Length Test # 35847%39m 57s
Online GRE Test Papers Full Length Test 15827%29m 21s
GRE Quantitative Comparison Practice1060%7m 11s
GRE Quantitative Quiz1050%8m 46s
GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATION (GRE) is a standardized test that is an essential admission requirement for many graduate schools in all the English-speaking countries for English-taught graduate and business programs world-wide. From the last 60 years, GRE is treated as a path opener for the aspirants who want to study in the foreign universities’ campus. Like in USA, many Indian students get chances to study through good GRE score and even they avail scholarship facilities by USA for pursuing their Masters’ there.
Syllabus of GRE
Study Abroad
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) consists of two tests
Test I – (GRE General Test)
GRE General Test is consists of three sections:
  • Analytical Writing
  • Verbal Test
  • Quantitative Test
Syllabus of GRE General Test
Analytical WritingEssay Writing tasks, 
This section grabs an idea of your critical thinking and analytical writing skills, and portrays your ability to articulate and support complex ideas clearly. This section consists of two analytical writing tasks:
  1. A  45-minute “Present Your Perspective on an Issue” task, and
  2.  A 30-minute “Analyze an Argument” task.
VERBAL Test  Take Sample Verbal TestIt measures your ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize material information obtained from it, analyze relationships among various parts of the sentences and recognize relationships among words and concepts. The Verbal section consists of- Analogies, Antonyms, Sentence Completions and Reading comprehension.
Quantitative Test- It comes with an idea to measure our PROBLEM-SOLVING skills, focusing on basic concepts of Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry and Data Analysis.
The GRE Subject Test-
The GRE Subject test is now divided into following seven major areas of specializations-
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Literature in English
  • Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology
All the subject tests mentioned here have the same syllabus of any standard test. Most of the Indian Engineering students with non CSE IT background go for the Mathematics test in general. The GRE Computer Science Subject Test has been discontinued from April 2013. 
More than anything else, your admission to graduate school will depend on your scores on the verbal and quantitative sections of the GRE (not the Subject Test).
The GRE Mathematics Test Syllabus-  Take Sample GRE Test
CALCULUS(50%)Elementary Calculus, Differential and Integral Calculus of one and several variables, Trigonometry(includes calculus based calculations and connections with Coordinate Geometry, Differential Equations.
  • Elementary algebra: basic algebraic techniques and manipulations acquired in high school and used throughout mathematics.
  • Linear algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of Linear Equations, Vector Spaces, Linear Transformations, Characteristic Polynomials and EIGEN values and EIGEN vectors.
  • Number System and Abstract algebra: Elementary topics from group theory, theory of rings and modules, field theory and number theory.
This section basically consists of Sequence and Series, Functions, Continuity, differentiability and Integrability, Geometry, Complex Variables, Probability and statistics and Numerical Analysis.
The GRE Mathematics Test will have approximately 66 MULTIPLE-CHOICE questions in GRE.
The physics test basically consists all the major aspects of high-school physics-
  • Basic Mechanics(20%)
  • Quantum Mechanics(12%)
  • Electromagnetism(18%)
  • Optics and Wave Phenomena(9%)
  • Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(10%)
  • Atomic Physics(10%)
  • Special Relativity(6%)
  • Laboratory Methods(6%)
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics(9%)
The GRE Physics Test will have approximately 100 FIVE-CHOICE questions in GRE Exam.
  • Inorganic Chemistry(25%)
  • Analytical chemistry(15%)
  • Organic Chemistry(30%)
  • Physical Chemistry(30%)
The GRE Chemistry Test will have approximately 130 MULTIPLE-CHOICE questions in GRE.
  • Organismal Biology(33-34%)
  • Ecology and Evolution(33-34%)
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology(33-34%)
The GRE Biology Test will have approximately 194 FIVE-CHOICE questions in GRE 2013 Exam.
  • Biochemistry(36%)
  • Cell Biology(28%)
  • Molecular Biology and Genetics(36%)
The GRE Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology Test will have approximately 170 MULTIPLE-CHOICE questions in GRE.
  • Identify(15-20%)
  • Literary Analysis(40-55%)
  • Cultural and Historical Contexts(20-25%)
  • Theory and History of Criticism of Literature(10-15%)
The GRE Literature in English Test will have approximately 230 questions in GRE 2013.
  • Learning(3-5%)
  • Language(3-4%)
  • Memory(7-9%)
  • Thinking(4-6%)
  • Sensation and Perception(5-7%)
  • Physiological/Behavioral Neurosciences(12-14%)
  • Social Life(12-14%)
The GRE Psychology Test will have approximately 205 FIVE-CHOICE questions in GRE 2013 Exam.